Walla Walla Sweet Onions - *1 Bunch

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Walla Walla Sweet Onions - *1 Bunch

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$5.99 / BN

Onions come in three colors: yellow, red, and white. Yellow onions are full-flavored and are a reliable standby for cooking almost anything. Yellow onions turn a rich, dark brown when cooked and give French onion soup its tangy sweet flavor. The red onion, with its wonderful color, is a good choice for fresh uses or in grilling and char-broiling. White onions are the traditional onion used in classic Mexican cuisine. They have a golden color and sweet flavor when saut0ed.  Onions may be grown from seed or, more commonly today, from sets started from seed the previous year. Onion sets are produced by sowing seed very thickly one year, resulting in stunted plants that produce very small bulbs.

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* 1 bunch typically contains BETWEEN 15-30 plants depending on size, and how the farmers packaged each of them for our stores. Each bunch will vary in quantity.

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